In June 2019, COERR arranged the agricultural training of trainer workshop for 67 farmers from 9 refugee camps. The refugees in Tak and Mae Hong Son camps attended the workshop at Tak College of Agricultue and Technology, while refugees in Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi camps attended the workshop at Ratchaburi College of Agriculture and Technology.
This 12 days agriculture training of trainer workshop was aimed at enabling refugee trainees to learn, experience and gain capability in sustainable agriculture under the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, from Thailand’s well accepted Educational Institutes. The trainees had acquired proper skills leading to self-help and self-reliance. They were able to dissiminate knowledge to other farmers in the refugee camps. They could also share the skills to benefit other villagers when they repatriate to homeland in the future.

Plant Propagation

Chemical-free Vegetable Garden

Fish breeding

Bio-fertilizer and Bio-pest Control
